

Java網絡編程基礎(四) ServerSocket類使用發布者:本站     時間:2020-05-06 16:05:46


這就要創建一個ServerSocket對象,ServerSocket有幾個構造函數,最簡單的是ServerSocket(int port),當使用ServerSocket(int port)創建一個ServerSocket對象,port參數傳遞端口號,這個端口就是服務器監聽連接請求的端口,如果在這時出現錯誤將拋出IOException異常對象,否則將創建ServerSocket對象并開始準備接收連接請求。




Listing 3: SSServer.java

// SSServer.java

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;

class SSServer
public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
System.out.println ("Server starting...\n");

// Create a server socket that listens for incoming connection
// requests on port 10000.

ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket (10000);

while (true)
// Listen for incoming connection requests from client
// programs, establish a connection, and return a Socket
// object that redivsents this connection.

Socket s = server.accept ();

System.out.println ("Accepting Connection...\n");

// Start a thread to handle the connection.

new ServerThread (s).start ();

class ServerThread extends Thread
private Socket s;

ServerThread (Socket s)
this.s = s;

public void run ()
BufferedReader br = null;
PrintWriter pw = null;

// Create an input stream reader that chains to the socket's
// byte-oriented input stream. The input stream reader
// converts bytes read from the socket to characters. The
// conversion is based on the platform's default character
// set.

InputStreamReader isr;
isr = new InputStreamReader (s.getInputStream ());

// Create a buffered reader that chains to the input stream
// reader. The buffered reader supplies a convenient method
// for reading entire lines of text.

br = new BufferedReader (isr);

// Create a print writer that chains to the socket's byte-
// oriented output stream. The print writer creates an
// intermediate output stream writer that converts
// characters sent to the socket to bytes. The conversion
// is based on the platform's default character set.

pw = new PrintWriter (s.getOutputStream (), true);

// Create a calendar that makes it possible to obtain date
// and time information.

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance ();

// Because the client program may send multiple commands, a
// loop is required. Keep looping until the client either
// explicitly requests termination by sending a command
// beginning with letters BYE or implicitly requests
// termination by closing its output stream.

// Obtain the client program's next command.

String cmd = br.readLine ();

// Exit if client program has closed its output stream.

if (cmd == null)

// Convert command to uppercase, for ease of comparison.

cmd = cmd.toUpperCase ();

// If client program sends BYE command, terminate.

if (cmd.startsWith ("BYE"))

// If client program sends DATE or TIME command, return
// current date/time to the client program.

if (cmd.startsWith ("DATE") || cmd.startsWith ("TIME"))
pw.println (c.getTime ().toString ());

// If client program sends DOM (Day Of Month) command,
// return current day of month to the client program.

if (cmd.startsWith ("DOM"))
pw.println ("" + c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));

// If client program sends DOW (Day Of Week) command

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